Properties, microstructure, brittle
fracture and applications of CONCRETE
Concrete:Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement which hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime-based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements, such as ciment fondu. However, asphalt concrete which is very frequently used for road surfaces is also a type of concrete, where the cement material is bitumen, and polymer concretes are sometimes used where the cementing material is a polymer.
Famous concrete structures include the Hoover Dam, the Panama Canal and the Roman Pantheon. The earliest large-scale users of concrete technology were the ancient Romans, and concrete was widely used in the Roman Empire. The Colosseum in Rome was built largely of concrete, and the concrete dome of the Pantheon is the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.Today, large concrete structures (for example, dams and multi-storey car parks) are usually made with reinforced concrete.
Crystal structure of
(a) Diagrammatic
representation of bleeding in freshly deposited concrete;
(b) shear-bond
failure in a concrete specimen tested in uniaxial compression.
Internal bleed water
tends to accumulate in the vicinity of elongated, flat, and large
pieces of aggregate. In
these locations, the aggregate-cement paste interfacial transition
zone tends to be weak
and easily prone to microcracking. This phenomenon
marked in the photograph..
Microstructure is the subtle structure of a material that
is resolved with the help of
a microscope. A low-magnification (200¥) electron
micrograph of a hydrated cement
paste shows that the structure is not homogeneous; while
some areas are dense, the
others are highly porous. In the porous area, it is
possible to resolve the individual
hydrated phases by using higher magnifications. For
example, massive crystals of calcium
hydroxide, long and slender needles of ettringite, and
aggregation of small
crystals of calcium silicate hydrate can be seen at 2000 ¥ and 5000 ¥
The unique features of the concrete microstructure can
be summarized as
First, there is the interfacial transition
zone, which represents a small
region next to the particles of coarse aggregate.
Existing as a thin shell, typically
10 to 50 μm thick around large aggregate, the interfacial
transition zone is generally
weaker than either of the two main components of
concrete, namely, the
aggregate and the bulk hydrated cement paste; therefore,
it exercises a far
greater influence on the mechanical behavior of concrete
than is reflected by its
size. Second, each of the three phases is itself a
multiphase in character. For
instance, each aggregate particle may contain several
minerals in addition to
microcracks and voids. Similarly, both the bulk hydrated
cement paste and the
interfacial transition zone generally contain a
heterogeneous distribution of different
types and amounts of solid phases, pores, and microcracks,
as will be
described later. Third, unlike other engineering
materials, the microstructure of
concrete is not an intrinsic characteristic of the
material because the two components
of the microstructure, namely, the hydrated cement
paste and the interfacial
transition zone, are subject to change with time,
environmental humidity,
and temperature.
The highly heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the
microstructure of concrete
are the primary reasons why the theoretical
microstructure-property relationship
models, that are generally so helpful for predicting the
behavior of
engineering materials, are not of much practical use in
the case of concrete.
A broad knowledge of the important features of the
microstructure of each of
the three phases of concrete, as provided below, is
nevertheless essential for
understanding and
control of properties of the composite material.
Fracture effects on
Fracture propagation in concrete and mortar has been
generally analyzed when the crack advances orthogonally to the maximum
principle stress, in pure Mode I(opening mode). Effectively, in concrete
structures we
, the strength and toughness parameters definition for
collapse in Mode II and III is often considered useless. It is opportune
however distinguish between crack initiation and limit state. This is essential
as semi-probabilistic approaches for design at limit state
split the two aspects and tend to assure structural integrity with respect to
catastrophic collapse. In fact, crack initiation of the single micro-crack is
always governed by local tension stress(Mode I) generated by singularities due
to micro-structural heterogeneities and to pre-existent defects, while meso and
macro-phase of propagation impose the interaction of in-plane shear or sliding
(Mode II) and antiplane shear or tearing (Mode III).
Fracture propagation
in Mode II and III has been observed, for concrete, in all dynamic shear test,
during impact resistance and in bullet penetration tests.In all these cases, a
generalized fracture toughness has been determined, and it has been obtained
that When the microstructural roughness is involved in propagation resistance
mechanisms, it is necessary to define correct mechanics parameters for Mode II
and II.
Applications of
Concrete is widely
used for making architectural structures, foundations, brick/block walls, pavements, bridges/overpasses, highways, runways, parking structures, dams, pools/reservoirs, pipes, footings for gates, fences and poles and even boats. Concrete is used in large quantities almost everywhere mankind
has a need for infrastructure. Concrete is one of the most frequently used
building materials in animal houses and for manure and silage storage
structures in agriculture.
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